Monday, May 17, 2010

"Just What the Doctor Ordered..."

During 20 years of primary care medical practice, I became more and more concerned about the deteriorating health of my patients, largely due to unhealthy lifestyles. While smoking and sedentary living are very important, diet is an equally huge issue. The explosion of obesity in America is already causing havoc in our health, and promises to become an increasing issue. The result is that, for the first time in our history, the next generations are expected to have a shorter life expectancy than their seniors.

Obesity is a leading cause of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and joint pain, to name a few. Unfortunately, when it comes to treating obesity or its results, the doctor’s favorite tool (prescribing chemicals of various sorts) is a dead-end street.
As a physician, I think it’s important to be more involved in modelling and promoting healthy foods. For me, this means growing and eating foods that are simpler, unprocessed, not loaded with high-fructose corn syrup and other sweeteners, direct from the producer, and not tainted by potentially harmful chemicals (like pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones).

This is what Sunny Slope Farm is all about:
-- providing chemical-free fruits and vegetables, and healthy pasture-raised meats and eggs
-- as a healthy alternative to the standard processed, industrial, fast-food American diet.

Merlin Friesen MD

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